
These frightening facts about dreams will Keep You Up All Night

Have you ever had a moment when you awoke from frightening dream? And, perhaps when was the last time you were a victim of one of those bizarre recurring nightmares in which you’re running naked across Trafalgar Square in London and everybody is standing around and not willing to help? Is it just me? Or what do you think about the situation that all the teeth have fallen out, or that you’re over time to attend the office or to an exam? These are more straightforward to understand as per the science of it and are usually connected to anxiety. These are the most severe. If you’re experiencing weird visions lately it is possible to attributing some of it to retrograde mercury.

Although some things are explained in dreams and others have been associated with things like blood sugar levels being low, or stress or illness There’s a lot to learn about the ways and why we have dreams. we do.

“Dreams are influenced by our waking lives in many ways, and theories suggest dreaming is a means by which the brain processes emotions, stimuli, memories, and information that’s been absorbed throughout the waking day,” Dr. Michael Breus, a certified sleep expert on board, explained to Bustle. “Our most memorable and emotionally powerful scary facts about dreams happen during the REM (rapid-eye movement) phase of sleep, which is the stage of sleep when our brains are most similar to a wakeful state.”

You’re Actually Paralyzed When You Dream

This is a bit shocking however, in the words of the NationalSleep Foundation, REM sleep that is the abbreviation that stands for rapid eye movement, by it’s the phase of your sleep cycle during which you have the most dreams. Although we all knew about this part but what you may not be aware of is that as your brain is active, your muscles are more relaxed, and the muscles you use to move inactive.

  1. . Women Have More Nightmares Than Men

Sometimes you need to experience it to believe it and this was the case when a researcher by known as Jennie Parker was moved from her nightmares, and decided to take the matter to her own. Parker’s Ph.D research at the time showed that women are more prone to nightmares than males. A study that included 100 women as well as 93 males aged 18-25 and asked to document their most recent dreams in their personal “dream journal” concluded that 19 percent of males reported the experience of a nightmare, while only 30% of women.

  1. Women and Men Are More Often Victims Than Aggressors in Their Dreams

In this excerpt taken from the book “The dreams of Men and Women: Patterns of Gender Similarity and Distinction,” both men and women are more often victims than aggressors in the aggressive interactions in their dreams, and they face the same attackers, namely, men who are not known to them (‘male strangers’) and animals.” However, on the positive side this study revealed that both women and men have the same chance to meet someone else in their fantasies. This is a plus.

  1. Women’s Dreams Are Also More Emotional

Participants in the study above were significantly more likely to have dreams about traumatic and emotional things like the death of someone dear to them. Great.

  1. 60 Percent Of People Don’t Remember Their Dreams

Many times, you hear people say that they don’t have dreams. It’s not true at all. Everyone dreams, the issue is that 60 percent of people don’t recall it. According to a report in Neuropsychopharmacology, the hypothalamus, or the area of the brain involved in information processing is much more active in people who regularly remember their dreams.

  1. You Forget 90 Percent Of Your Dreams Within 10 Minutes

According to a study of Scientific American There are many reasons the reason we don’t have a good memory of dreams. It’s not a simple issue but the basic reason for why we forget our dreams is because of the absence of norepinephrine, a hormone inside the brain’s cerebral cortex. a region of the brain that plays a crucial part in memory, thinking language, and conscious. Sigmund Freud proposed that we lose our dreams because they are a repository of our emotions and thoughts that we’ve blocked out which we don’t wish to recall anyway.

  1. Dreams Are Mostly Negative

It’s a disappointment. According the site VeryWell.com the most frequent emotional state experienced by dreamers was negative and anxiety. These results are due to research conducted of scientist Calvin S. Hall who collected more than 50,000 dreams from college students.

  1. Sleep Eating Disorder Is Also Real

Sleep eating is a thing however, it’s not so common as talking or sleep walking the disorder is often referred to by its acronym SRED is characterized by recurring instances of eating involuntarily and/or drinking while asleep. Although some sufferers have no recall of their actions while others are conscious.


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